Rad Soldiers: The Nerd Appropriate Review
There is something magical about moving little army men around a game table while pretending you’re a super-important high ranking general. WarChest and Splash Damage’s Rad Soldiers is the latest turn based strategy title that lets you live out those arm-chair general fantasies on your mobile phone or tablet. Did WarChest manage to deliver something with both style AND substance?
Bioware announcements make my mandibles drip with anticipation.
Due to my lurking I know they are indeed working on Mass 3 as we speak (duh). This clip begs the question, “If this is Mass Effect, where the hell are they?”
Ash, you need to lurk up some info on the next Mass Effect 2 DLC.
Just read a rumor that this is going to be a Mass Effect multiplayer game. I hope not….
I read that mass effect kills people…