PAX Prime 2014: Hands On Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer
I was a colossal fan of Mass Effect 3: Multiplayer and really felt like the folks at BioWare created a truly memorable cooperative experience with almost endless replayability. When I got wind that Dragon Age: Inquisiton would have cooperative multiplayer I was instantly excited and intrigued. Scott and I made our way down to the Microsoft booth during media hour (just a few moments ago) to give Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer a shot. The four player cooperative experience was just announced a few days ago and the idea of running around Thedas with friends causing trouble sounded appealing to say the least.
does the gun actually have PWN etched into it? #NotAnEasterEgg
Yessir. You can pay to carve your clan tag into your weapons. For the record that is not my clan tag.
If by pay you mean real money, then this really highlights the sad state of gaming with micro-transactions.
It’s an in-game currency. Not real money, if it were I wouldn’t be playing. Micro-transactions are something I don’t abide.
Great summary… I completely agree. I wanted this game to be terrible so I could mount it on my wall next to Medal of Honor and the moose head as proof of my adventures and we could all get back to playing Battlefield. However, I must admit… despite my deep mistrust of Treyarch… I had a blast. Zombies here we come!
(I hope HTML works in this comment box…)
And this game and it’s community of kids who all seem to have Intermittent explosive disorder and amok further continue to prove John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory correct.
When you stop having to study so much tell me and we will destroy some Bad Company 2.
Tomorrow (Friday) I have my shelf exam for family medicine at 8:30am… after that, game on brother.
You need to play a little more there are still a lot of campers. Also I think the Gears of War online community is worse than CoD’s but it’s a lesser of two evils type thing.