Halo 4: Revisited
We talked about (and argued, but it’s been lost to the archives) Halo 4 on the podcast but have yet to commit anything to digital ink, as it were. This is because Halo 4 felt like it deserved a bit more than a gut reaction to gameplay and graphics. This deserved some inspection into story and polish. 343 did not have it easy here, they were following in the footsteps of a highly vaunted developer in Bungie. This is the company that along with Epic lifted the XBox up into new heights. 343 had to come in and not just keep a series fresh, but make make it their own without pissing off legions of fans. Did they accomplish this task? You’ll have to read on.
I’m so glad I sold my account, it removed all temptation to take part in things like this. Have fun!
When I talked to you about this i was considering jumping in and just looking around. But, then I realized Tarthule had been captured by the Chinese and is currently toiling in a far away internment camp. Sooo, I’m not sure if I really want to take the steps necessary to free him from slavery… Just like in pirates of the Caribbean… I think he’s “part of the boat” now.
I just cannot bring myself to play this game again. I may end up eating my words, but sadly, Beef has the same fate as Tarthule… Besides, who wants their world destroyed anyway? Stupid Blizzard.