Live streaming episode #9 at 7:30 EST
- December 23, 2010
- Ash
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Joss Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing – A Very Merry War Indeed
Most directors hot off the success of one of the highest grossing films of all time would no doubt try and cash in on all the hype by working on another massive action film. Then again, most directors aren’t Joss Whedon. Much Ado About Nothing, a Shakespearean adaptation, recently screened this weekend during Austin’s SXSW everything festival, and we’ve been hearing some great things

“Now we have a problem in making our power credible, and Vietnam is the place.”
Tomorrow marks a very special day for us here at Nerd Appropriate. A day when us nerds march waste deep through the swamps of ‘Nam to rid the world of communists! At some point tomorrow both PSN and XBL will Make Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam available for download. Why are we excited? Well a few of us thought that Bad Company 2 with its updated Frostbite engine was actually a better game than CODBLOPS. We always like rooting for the underdog.