Live streaming episode #10 Tonight at 7:30 EST (Join us!)
In 100 Years, What Games, Movies, and Television Will Be Seen as Art?: Our Community Responds
Episode 50 of our podcast Rated NA will be going live tomorrow afternoon, but we felt obligated to share these incredible responses to this weeks question: “What video game franchise, film, or television series will be viewed as art in 100 years and why?” On top of getting a ton of stellar responses from our friends and readers, we were also lucky enough to hear back from a number of the people that made the past 15 months at Nerd Appropriate so awesome. One of the best things about being a part of this site, is getting to talk with such incredibly creative people about the things we love, and for that we’re immensely grateful. Take a look at what some of our friends in the industry had to say about the future.
PAX East 2013: Exclusive BioWare Base Panel Coverage
Thanks so much for checking out Nerd Appropriate’s coverage of the 2013 BioWare Base at PAX East. As massive BioWare fans, we’re excited to be able to bring this to you. For a quick look, head to or simply download them directly from iTunes or Feedburner.
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You couldn’t be the plague in your wet dreams.
I figured you’d want to be Penn. Sheesh…
I thought I did a pretty good impression of Acid Burn aka Crash Override