Comic Con 2011 tickets go on sale this Saturday Feb 5th at 9:00am PST. Get your six shooters ready because that’s high noon (EST) for us East coasters. Click here when it’s time.
Now, why would anyone go to all this trouble for a ticket to a silly convention? Well it’s everything a nerd could possibly love under 1 roof. This video pretty much sums it up. Tipping my hat to Machinima for one of the only solid 2010 coverage videos that I could find.
A couple of years ago, my awesome friend Jorge lent me a book. (Excited yet? You should be.) It was titled, God’s Demon which piqued my curiosity not only because of the name, but also the way the pages rippled from repeated fondling. (You’re sick if you thought anything other than reading. This is a family site, people. No, not really. Skeet!)
I grew up watching Growing Pains, and I was saddened last year by Boner’s death. There is something magical about the intro song written and composed by both John Bettis (Lyrics) and Steve Dorff (Music).. Imagine however if you will, what would happen if the whimsical joy Growing Pains… Came back from the dead.
A reboot can be done for a wide variety of reasons, but I would venture to say that they primarily occur when the storyline of a series becomes too muddled or convoluted to attract a new audience.
This Post Has 7 Comments
I still don’t know if I’m going to go…I really dont have the money but if I buy a ticket I’ll find the money.
Just some clarification – because I wouldn’t want your readers to miss the actual ticket sales: SDCC 2011 tickets go on sale at 9am on Saturday, February 5. (Not the 9th, as your headline states.)
Thanks Bruce, it has been fixed. One of us should have caught that. Many thanks !
Tomorrow is the big day! I am going to have my boomstick ready for battle! Wish me luck guys, especially with the internet connection I have. So excited to get my ticket!!!!
I still don’t know if I’m going to go…I really dont have the money but if I buy a ticket I’ll find the money.
I was really hoping he’d play up his stereotype a bit more and wear the aviators throughout the entire piece.
You should have seen some of the OTHER Comic Con 2010 high light videos. Trust me, this one is a gem.
Just some clarification – because I wouldn’t want your readers to miss the actual ticket sales: SDCC 2011 tickets go on sale at 9am on Saturday, February 5. (Not the 9th, as your headline states.)
Thanks Bruce, it has been fixed. One of us should have caught that. Many thanks !
Tomorrow is the big day! I am going to have my boomstick ready for battle! Wish me luck guys, especially with the internet connection I have. So excited to get my ticket!!!!