Dragon Age II: live chat with lead designer Mike Laidlaw
Dragon Age II has officially gone gold! Earlier this afternoon there was a live chat with DA2’s lead designer Mike Laidlaw. Check out an hour’s worth of game-play, some of which is spolier heavy. Having met Mr.Laidlaw at last year’s Comic Con I can tell you that the man is not only a genius, but an ultra nice guy. The footage of this game has me drooling with anticipation. The addition of main character voice, as well as a ME2 style dialog wheel have me amped and ready to slay some dragons. If you haven’t yet played DA:Origins, now is a great time to go back and play the best console RPG in recent years. Be sure to check out the mage in action, “it really is quite breathtaking I assure you”
Watch live streaming video from electronicarts at livestream.com