MVC3: New DLC drops tomorrow!
Capcom is no stranger to making us pay for tiny chunks of DLC. Capcom will slowly be releasing DLC costume packs starting tomorrow March 1st. Check out the press release for what is on the way!
DLC Costume pack- Available March 1st, 2011
- New costumes (meaning whole new models) for Ryu (8 bit ryu), Iron Man (evil cap armor), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Dante (old), Chris (S.T.A.R.S), and Thor (classic)
- All 6 are available for 400 Microsoft points or $5
- These are NOT included in the special edition.
Shadow Mode- Available March 1st, 2011
- The first Shadow Mode pack will include teams and AI from three Capcom staff members, including producer Ryota Niitsuma, associate producer Akihito Kadowaki, and a QA tester.
- The first pack is scheduled for release on March 1st, 2011 with more packs becoming available for download at a later date. If you ever wanted to say you beat the producer of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 at his own game, this is your best shot.
- These are NOT included in the special edition.
As for Jilll and Shuma Gorath .. we don’t get them yet… They’re broken (sad face)
Available March 15th, 2011.
- The SE version of the game comes with downloadable characters, Jill and Shuma Gorath. You may redeem these characters on March 15, 2011. We did not intentionally delay the DLC characters as we know how badly our fans want to play them. This was an unfortunate technical issue and we apologize for them not being available today.
- For PS3 copies of the special edition, your PSN code is printed on the back of your art book. On March 15th, your PSN code will be available for activation. If you attempt to enter your code before March 15, 2011, PSN will tell you that it’s an invalid code.
- For Xbox 360 copies of the special edition, we will send you your Xbox LIVE DLC code on March 15, 2011. To register your email with our system, please visit: marvelvscapcom3.com/redeemand follow the step by step instructions. The code on the back of your art book is NOT a Xbox LIVE code but rather, the code you input into our redeem site.
- Jill and Shuma-Gorath is the only DLC that comes with the special edition. Buying the special edition does not also make you eligible for other DLC.
- Jill and Shuma-Gorath will still be available for purchase on March 15, 2011 for the people who did not buy the Special Edition. Each character will cost $5 or 400 Microsoft points. (EACH)
- What’s the point of the special edition then you ask? For the same $10 premium that you pay for Jill and Shuma Gorath, you’ll also get a steel case, custom sleeve, 48-page artbook, and 1-month free of Marvel Digital Comics.