Sucker Punch: The Nerd Appropriate Review
I didn’t hate Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch, but I didn’t love it either. Sucker Punch had a huge presence at last years Comic Con, and while I didn’t feel like sleeping outside to get into Hall H, there was a lot of “buzz” surrounding the film; after all it was Zack “300” Snyder, the same guy that gave us Dawn of the Dead, and Watchmen… That’s a pretty solid track record. What happens when you give a “visionary” director total creative freedom? You get Sucker Punched (see what I did there?).
I really, really (REALLY!) wanted to hate this movie, but the teaser and trailer both look very good. Now, Thor on the other hand…
It does look damn good. Hey, are you going to be in the live chat tonight? I’ll show you my disco stick.
This trailer does do a better job of making me want to see the movie up until he’s in his costume. Then I’m lost
Just glad they went with a more Ultimates Capt America look than the classic look.