Watch Dogs: The E3 Game of Show – Hack the Planet!
How did Watch Dogs steal the show? Easy, it was actually a well kept secret! In development at Ubisoft for over two years, Watch Dogs was a huge surprise for even the most seasoned video game vets. What we do know is that Watch Dogs will be an open world adventure set in Chicago U.S.A. , go anywhere, do anything, and eat as much deep dish pizza as you’d like! Like our good friends Zero Cool and Crash Override, the main protagonist Aiden Pierce can control almost anything that’s wired into the grid….
Finally, a video game that lets me kill zombies.
In related news – Return of the Dead is available on Netflix Instant on May 1.
Someone needs to do a study on the popularity of zombies! I personally think its a reflection of man’s desire to kill without remorse.
Killing a human = Bad
Killing a once dead human = Bad Ass