What is Joss Whedon’s: Cabin in the Woods?
Cabin in the Woods has been frozen in carbonite for quite some time, so long actually, that I forgot the film even existed. Originally slated for a theatrical release on 10/29/2009, Cabin was another tragic victim of the MGM financial apocalypse. Good news. Due to a bail out by Lionsgate, Cabin in the Woods will finally get an actual theatrical release! (queue cheers) So what the hell is this movie, and is it going to be any good? After digging around the internet for a bit, here is what we know.
- Written By: Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard (Cloverfield)
- Directed By: Drew Goddard
- Starring: Amy Acker (Angel), Tom Lenk (Buffy), Chris Helmsworth (Thor!), Richard Jenkins, Bradley Whitford.
What’s in the Cabin?
In typical Whedon/Goddard fashion the plot is incredibly “hush hush“. We do know this… Cabin is a horror story, people will more than likely have “witty” conversations, and Amy Acker will probably end up kicking someone’s ass. Ironically, when Chris Helmsworth shot Cabin he was a nobody. Helmsworth was more than likely thinking that Cabin was going to be his breakout film. Shortly after Cabin wrapped he landed his role in Star Trek soon followed by Thor and The Avengers. Needless to say, Cabin in the Woods will benefit from his newfound Thor-power. Cabin in the woods, WILL be out this year... probably…
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Local Whedonites decided to organize one-time public screening a couple of weeks ago after cinemas ignored the movie long enough and it was awesome. True Whedon material.