Jessica Chobot Joins G4: Proving Ground
We all knew something was in the works. For months Jessica Chobot has been tweeting cryptic messages about her life and living situation. While being cryptic is nothing new on twitter (I have friends that tweet like they’re freaking super-spies), Chobot’s tweets were a more mysterious than usual. Theories popped up on message boards: Was Jessica ‘pregnant? did she and Blair join a local Los Angeles gang? Was she quitting IGN? Well last night the truth was finally revealed. Everyone’s favorite IGN reporter is in fact joining the ranks of G4TV! Chobot’s new show Proving Ground sounds incredibly unique, and is just what the network needs right now. The premise: Take all of your favorite stunts and gadgets from from the world of video games and television and see how they function in reality. From what we’ve been hearing, Chobot and Ryan Dunn (Jackass) will be working with Engineers to try and make some bad-ass video-game contraptions function in real life. I for one can’t wait to see a fully operational Lancer or perhaps the Normandy 2.. Maybe they can even get a cadaver to carve up.. wishful thinking.
The new series premieres June 14th at 8PM ET on G4TV. Sorry DirectTV.