Wonder Woman, the “F-Word,” and You
A lot has been written about Wonder Woman, comics, and feminism in light of an interview with David and Meredith Finch, the new creative team taking over the comic bearing the title of the same name. Articles such as, “Wonder Woman’s feminism matters. So why would the comic industry reject it?” and “The F-Word: Wonder Woman’s Feminism Shouldn’t Be Covered Up” have been popping up all week. As they should! It’s kind of ridiculous this discussion needs to be had, not about Wonder Woman, but about society and its view of feminism. Why? The perceptions of feminism by some, and this applies to men and women, is exactly why these conversations keep cropping up.
As if I needed another reason to be a 360 fanboy… Nice work Sony.
My blind hatred for all things Sony continues to pay off dividends.
It’s a shame. The PS3 is a pretty awesome piece of hardware.
At the same time SOE is another business model which is build largely on subscriptions + microtransactions — Sony, at large, is also one of those companies that push their own proprietary stuff all over you. They’re not exactly building a case for brand loyalty.
In the end, I really worry most of all for Kevin Butler.
Minidisc was cool right? Good thing I’m a US customer, go AMERICA!