Rated NA 24 – NA: A Sink Hole of Mayo? (Live at 7:30 EST)
Rated NA 24 (05/05/2011) – NA: A Sink Hole of Mayo?
Tune in @ 7:30 EST to our live recording of a very mayo covered podcast! #24
Derek joins us again – He flies planes and plays games.
- Mass Effect 3 Delayed until 2012 (Is it becoming something else?)
- Thor… is good? WTF 88% on Rotten Tomatoes with 96 reviews
- We get Spooky – Spooky Empires Mayhem Convention – Cool!
- Big E3 Announcements (e3 is now a month away… dramatic music)
- Matt gets pissed about Star Wars Day!
- The Big Assassin’s Creed Reveal – More Enzio = More Pizza?
- Fast Five – Why is this movie so good?
- Marvel Motion comics appear on Netflix Streaming (astonishing X-men, Iron man, Etc)
Open Thread (Debate):
- “How do you teach someone to play a cover based 3rd person shooter?” -Derek