Rated NA 20: 2D image of a 3D podcast
We look at 3DS tech, upcoming games, Megacon 2011 impressions, an awesome Dragon Age players guide, and more!

Rated NA 103: Yub Nub
A slow news week can’t keep the gang down on this May the Fourth / Free Comic Book Day celebration. We talk Shadow of the Eternals, High Heavens, Dragon Age: World of Thedas, The Elite, Star Command, and Far Cry: Blood Dragon. Ash regales us with takes of D&D, and you tell us your go-to fantasy RPG class. Utini!

Rated NA 185: In the Future
Welcome to 2015! Ash sees Night and the Museum 3 and plays Kingdom Rush: Origins. Matt catches up on Telltale Games and gets into Destiny. Scott watches Ascension and rants about AC Unity plus AC Unity Companion App. Finally, we look ahead to the upcoming movies and games of 2015, and you tell us what you’re most excited for in our NAQOTW! #BeCarefulInTheFuture