Con Report: MAY-HEM – Day 1
We love local conventions. Orlando is lucky enough to be a pretty popular hub for nerd conventions. Megacon, Vulcon, FX-Con, Otronicon and Spooky Empires all call Orlando home. Sadly, in recent years a few of our local conventions have been forced to take a bit of a break due to the skyrocketing costs of putting one of these conventions in motion. The folks at Spooky Empire put on a great con that is chiefly geared toward horror and science fiction fans. Spooky Empire is a blast mainly due to its unique “family reunion” atmosphere. Does this mean that there are creepy drunk uncles wandering the floor? No… well… yes, but not really. The only people that would attend a convention like May-Hem are people that are truly passionate about science fiction and horror. By attending a convention like this you’re guaranteed to be in a room filled with people that you have something in common with, and that’s awesome right? I dropped by May-Hem for a few minutes after work to take some pictures and set some content up for tomorrow. Enjoy some pictures along with a brief commentary.
Yes that’s my goofy ass with Diora Baird. Diora has been in a shit load of genre films including Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning and Night of the Demons. I’ll admit, I was pretty damn excited to meet Ms.Baird, and guess what? She ended up being an incredibly friendly and “normal” supermodel person. No ego to be seen what-so-ever (I really love when that happens). Tomorrow we promised to bring Diora some hard hitting (and ridiculous) questions, so prepare yourselves for some Nerd-Mayhem. Nerd-Hem? nahhh… BTW if you guys aren’t following her Twitter feed you really need to! @DioraBaird1 , it’s funny as hell.
Honestly, if you collect anything horror related there are thousands of items on sale from movies and books, to props and original art… It’s a great place to shop. The retailer area is small, but easy to navigate and is home to thousands of unique items. If you’re a horror fan you sort of owe it to yourself to get down to Orlando and check it out.. and no they’re not paying me for saying that.
A little secret. When I’m not writing for the site and doing other nerdy stuff I teach high school World History (did you think we got paid for this?) “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” had a profound impact on my life and really sparked my interest in all things historical. Tonight, I got to meet Mr. Alex Winter who turned out to be an incredibly nice guy (I couldn’t help but tell him my life story… sorry buddy).
More updates from the show floor tomorrow! I’ve been up since 4:30 EST making this one of the longest days ever. Thanks so much for reading.