Hey there gang! June was a busy month for us here at the site, but we managed to survive. Thanks to the hard work of Matt and Scott our podcasts are up to date and ready for download. If you missed any past episodes you can check them out HERE – and we’d love if you downloaded and rated a few of them. I must say that our E3 episode is especially tasty (like a burrito).

REVIEWS: We tackled a ton of the big June releases, behold !
Movie: X-Men First Class
Comics: American Vampire
Games: Mortal Combat
Games: Transformers Dark of the Moon
Games: Duke Nukem Forever
Television: Falling Skies
Games: Red Faction: Armageddon
Games: Trenched
NETFLIX: Matt started a new series called “Summer of Netflix” in which he watches a lot of Netflix and writes stuff about it.
Summer of Netflix: Sherlock
Summer of Netflix: Damages
Summer of Netflix: Black Death
EDITORIALS: We went all “journalisty” (that’s a word right?) and wrote some in depth rants.
What do The Nerds Think of Nintendo’s WiiU
Red Vs. Blue: How Netflix Ended Corporate Tyranny
The Ten Things I Hate About Video Games: Ten Major Flaws in Modern Video Games
INTERVIEWS: As Always we managed to talk to some amazing folks!
Jessica Chobot: The Nerd Appropriate Interview
Ali Hillis (Mass Effects Liara T’Soni): The Nerd Appropriate Interview (with audio!)
Caitlin Crosby: The Nerd Appropriate Interview
ART: We also had the awesome aXL99 create an exclusive Mass Effect wallpaper for our site that you can download HERE.
AND MORE: Those articles were just the tip of the iceberg. You can check out all of June’s content HERE and relive the glory.
Thanks again for reading! We appreciate your dedication more than you know. And, if you ever want to contribute an article about something that interests you, please let us know! We’re looking for new contributors all the time. Bountiful riches and fame await you! (lie)