Comic Con 2011: Nerd Machine Breaks the Mold
Comic Con has gotten beyond massive. Ten years ago it was entirely possible to stroll up to the convention center, plop down some cash, and waltz right in. Attempting that maneuver today would get you clotheslined and laughed at by security. In our modern nerd-friendly world getting into Comic Con takes expert planning, patience, and a bit of luck. After all, Comic Con is the largest nerd gathering in the entire universe. Because Comic Con keeps growing, the convention center can no longer contain all the awesome. The Nerd Machine is now hosting a series of special panels right outside the walls of the convention center. The spectacular thing about The Nerd Machine’s panels is that they’re limited to 250 people (which is incredibly small by Comic Con’s standards). Also, your ENTIRE 20 dollar donation goes to Operation Smile, an amazing life changing charity. For those of you that couldn’t get ahold of a ticket this year this is a great opportunity to have some fun and donate to a great charity. Pasted below is the current schedule. Good luck getting tickets, and we’ll see you there! (more info coming soon)
Tickets are currently on hold – check their site tomorrow morning
NERD Quest