Here you go! This will probably be taken down within the hour, so spread it fast. Now the footage is incredibly dark and probably filmed on an I-Phone, but you can clearly see some Avengers action going down! I’m so ready for this.
I love independent film. A long time ago, in the time of dragons, I used to want to make movies myself. So when I see something special, I feel like it’s my job as a film nerd to plug the hell out of it. I’m elated excited to bring you an interview with Mr. Nicholas McCarthy who just recently returned from Sundance 2011 in support of his moody thriller “The Pact”. Growing up on horror films it takes a lot to make the hair on my arms stand up and having recently watched The Pact, I can say with total sincerity that Mr. McCarthy has the directing chops to scare the crap out of you.