Comic-Con 2011: Sarah Michelle Gellar Returns, But Only For a Day
The former Chosen One, Sarah Michelle Gellar, makes her first trip back to Comic-Con since promoting The Grudge almost 10 years ago! Gellar jump-kicks her way back to Ballroom 20 (Thursday 1:45) in order plug her new show “The Ringer” which premieres this fall on The CW. Sadly for fans, it appears as though Sarah will be returning to work directly following her panel. Last month, Gellar and some of genre-television’s most popular actresses sat around discussing the world’s biggest nerd gathering in a special for The Hollywood Reporter. They also shared some fun stories and tips about how to survive in a raging ocean of nerdery.
Sarah Michelle Gellar: on getting a series pickup.
“It’s the worst process. You are literally standing by a phone and they really don’t tell you until the night before, unless you are in New York. You are literally waiting, and you don’t want to pack a suitcase. I think what they do is secretly have all of the flights reserved under all of the actors’ names who they might pick up. I remember having to give all of our information ahead of time.”