Comic Con 2011 updates here
I had the pleasure of going to comic-con last year and in many ways it spawned the passion to start this project with Ash and Scott. While a lot of people view it as tons of bodies uncomfortably jammed into a rather small city with a rather small convention center, it is so much more. Of course most of that sentence is true, but what it doesn’t describe is the amazing energy that surrounds it. It is 125,000 people, yes, but it is 125,000 people all passionately into the same things. Sarcasm is left at the door and you get to go and truly nerd out about stuff that you love.
The lines suck, yes. The crowded-ness sucks, indeed. It’s not all about comics anymore either, but who cares. If you ultimately want to go to something about nothing but comics, there are comic conventions in multiple cities all year long (seriously just google “comic convention”). Comic-con let’s you just overload your senses with all the Movies, TV, Comics and Games that you can take. It’s kind of euphoric. Don’t forget about the things going on outside of the convention, and this year that has expanded, with Nerd Machine and Bioware running their own panels. It is insane.
So, if you didn’t get to make it, be sure to follow us on twitter. We spared no expense to send Ash with his lovely wife Chrissy there (seriously, we spent no money, he’s entirely out of pocket on this) and they are keeping regular updates flowing into twitter. So do it to it folks, and revel in the things that give you little nerd heart palpitations.
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It suffices to say also that Matt and I will be holding down the fort back at NA-HQ with other news and podcast tomfoolery while Ash is elbow deep in nerd sweat.