Mass Effect 3: Omni-Blade Contest
If you managed to make it to Comic-Con 2011 you probably saw a large number of Mass Effect fans running around town sporting shiny new omni-blades. If you’re a Mass Effect fan that didn’t attend Comic-Con 2011 you probably want one of your very own. Well you’re in luck, because we’re giving one away!
Sure, it’s not the most illustrious prize in the ‘verse (c’mon we can’t afford to give away X-boxes… we’re like the hobos of the internet), but they are incredibly cool and limited from what we’ve been hearing. And heck, you have to do next to nothing to get one.
Rules: Simply follow us on Twitter and re-tweet the following to enter. The contest will be promoted once a day until August 1st. You can enter as many times as you’d like, but please don’t spam your friends and loved ones because that’s not cool.
“Win a Mass Effect:3 Omni-Blade by joining the nerd legion! Follow @NerdAppropriate & ReTweet this msg to enter #ME3 #Giveaway #Contest”
Why do these contests at all and give away our personal prizes? Nerd Appropriate is a passion project for us. We love working on the site and want to share it with as many people as possible. We think what we do is sort of unique in that we deal with literally everything in that could be considered nerdy from movies and video games, to technology and pop culture. We love it all and want to share it. Also, we’ve done some kick ass interviews with folks like Jewel Staite (Firefly), Alison Haislip (G4/The Voice), Veronica Belmont (Quore, Tekzilla), Brea Grant (Heroes, WWBY).. and many many more.