Dexter: Season Six Injects New Blood..
For those of you that haven’t seen Showtime’s groundbreaking drama Dexter, now is a great time to catch up. Dexter follows the exploits of a Miami serial killer with a moral code; that’s right, he only kills “bad” people. Both the acting and writing on Dexter are top notch, and while things can be a bit…heavy… at times, the show is a great twisted-alternative to the dozens of cop dramas that are currently on the air. In the first season you’ll have this strange moment where you realize that you’re rooting for a bloodthirsty killer; you may not condone what Dexter does to people, but you sure don’t want him to get caught. Season six promises some great new additions to the cast including Colin Hanks, Mos Def, Edward James Olmos and the ever-nerdy Brea Grant. Check out the trailer for season-6 below!
“Dexter knows what he doesn’t want to pass on to Harrison, so he starts this journey that snowballs into a huge evolved plot for the season. It’s initiated by his desire to define faith … which is by it very nature, undefinable. It’s done in true Dexter style so it’s a lot of fun,” exec producer Sara Colletan said. (I-Film)