Dragon Age II DLC and Mass Effect 3: Gamescom Reveals (video)
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, we here at NA love conventions. Sadly, some conventions like Gamescom are a bit out of our reach… and our price range. Even if you couldn’t attend yesterday’s Dragon Age and Mass Effect 3 Q+A session, the nice folks at Bioware were cool enough to record everything for us. We went ahead and highlighted a few of the more intriguing Dragon Age questions along with some great (and revealing) answers from Dragon Age Senior Producer Fernando Melo. Oh, and click that link to follow Fernando on Twitter, he’s good people.
Q: Will we see more Grey Wardens in the future?
A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): Yeah, Grey Wardens are an absolute Pillar to what is going on in Dragon Age, so you’ll absolutely see them in the future.
Q: Will we be seeing the Hero of Ferelden and The Champion of Kirkwall in the future?
A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): These characters absolutely exist (in the same world), when we get into future DA content it is very possible we’ll be seeing them again.
Q: Will we see more of Leliana in the future? (I’m noticing a future trend here… haha)
A: A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): She’s a fantastic character, and you will be seeing her sooner than you think.
Q: What’s up with Dragon Age II DLC?
A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): There is more stuff coming. We can’t really talk about it just yet, but you don’t have very long to wait for that (see above answer). Will there be as much as Origins, NO. We will take longer, produce better DLCs, but hopefully (will be of) better quality. (great plan).
Q: Any cameos from DA: Origins characters in upcoming DA:2 DLC?
A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): Yes, you will see characters from Origins and DA2 come back in (the future DLC content).
Q: How do you feel the character based story of Hawk from DA: 2 worked compared to the world based story of (the Warden) in Origins?
A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): For Dragon Age 2 we wanted to create a story that was a lot more intimate and in order to do that we had to make you (the player) feel much more attached to an individual. Now (in DA2) the character speaks and we also brought in family as a component to his life in Kirkwall. For some people that means the story doesn’t feel as epic, its not as world changing as what we did with Origins, but from our perspective I felt it was a much stronger story.
Q: Will all the DLC be set outside of Kirkwall?
A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): … We’re going to try and minimize the reuse of those areas.
Q: Will we be seeing places in the free marches like Starkhaven and Tantervale?
A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): Very good question… I’m trying to think of a way to answer that without revealing things I can’t yet (I think you just did).. Did I? Yes… Likely you will yes. (haha)
Q: Will what Sandal said about the future ring true? Or was he just talking out of his ass? (haha)
A: Fernando Melo (senior producer DA): Sandal is a fantastic character in many many ways. We’ll have to see. He’s pretty special isn’t he?