Does Sex Sell Gears of War 3? Anya Gets Risque
Anya Stroud should be a name that’s incredibly familiar to Gears of War fans. The daughter of deceased war hero Helena Stroud, Anya is anything but your average “video game chick“. Spending the first two games in the background, Anya is only a few weeks away from her big moment in the spotlight as one of many new playable female COG soliders. In an interesting bit of cross marketing, Epic Games has teamed up with FHM magazine to bring you this Anya inspired photo shoot starring model Anna Simon. While seeing Anya in her full COG armor complete with lancer is pretty damn cool, there are some other photos in the set that don’t really suit her character. Do you feel like EPIC went a bit too far and “sexualized” one of their strong female characters? Or do you feel like their teaming with FHM is just all in good fun? Let us know! Credit (Egotastic)
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I think sex sells, and they are trying to make a lot of money.
I also don’t think they went too far. These pictures seem to be done in good taste.
If you have a problem with this, you will now be known as grandma.
This is just like the minecraft trailer…
Why aren’t you using that trailer as a recruitment tool?