Microsoft Studios has acquired Twisted Pixel Games
Well, well, well. It seems the big lumbering Microsoft giant has a sense of humor after all. The announcement out of the Twisted Pixel camp this morning, makers of the fantastic Splosion Man, The Gunstringer, and Comic Jumper was that they have been acquired by none other then MS themselves. Twisted Pixel is known for self referential, humorous games that play smoothly and pack a lot of punch for a small amount of dollars. I know Microsoft has been focusing on the online experience quite a bit and acquiring a high quality Arcade developer like Twisted Pixel may be right up their alley. Let’s hope that this does not deter the quality that has been coming out of Twisted Pixel and instead gives them the funds and marketing power needed to make their games better and bigger successes.
Raise a glass to Twisted Pixel, for this could be very good news for them. Although I do wonder how many Microsoft Points it cost…
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Well let’s see. 1 MS point is approximately equal to about 7.4 republic credits which is approximately equal to 35 cubits.
Of course, you can only purchase MS points in denominations of prime numbers — but you can only spend them in increments of numbers in the Fibonacci sequence so it’s really difficult to ascertain the exact cost.
How many Gil mother fucker!? HOW MANY GIL!?1