Rated NA: 59 – Twitter Question of The Week – Post Apocalyptic Sidekicks!
It’s that time again. After being scattered unto the winds and barley escaping death (see episode 58) the NA crew is heading back into the dungeon to record episode 59 of Rated NA. As per usual we require your wit to make our podcast as awesome as possible. If you’re feeling generous you could make a quick pit stop on our iTunes page to give us a quick rating or perhaps a review. The more you rate, the more powerful we become! If you’re not part of our Twitter community now is a great time to start! We do our very best to respond to each and every tweet. This week’s question was provided by Mr. Matthias Grundy for you to enjoy.
Rated NA:59-
You are in a post apocalyptic world. You can have one sidekick from any movie or game. Who do you choose? And why..
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This is an easy one!! I’d pick Lydia from Skyrim. She’s my wife; she runs a store out of the house, giving me an endless cash flow; & if I wanted, she’d fight by my side!!! What more could anyone ask?!
Great answers guys! Thanks for listening.
Chewbacca…seriously, in a post-apocalyptic world, who is gonna mess with the guy that has a wookie by his side. Plus he can keep you warm during those long nights out in the wasteland!