Community Game Night: Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer – WELCOME TO EARTH!
In the immortal words of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air “WELCOME TO EARTH!” Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer is a total blast and I’m happy to say that’s it’s clearly here to stay. The latest free multiplayer expansion, simply titled “Earth”, allows players to participate in the brutal battle for Earth in three all new locations. It’s a ton of fun, and we want to play with YOU this Saturday night (7/21). Oh yeah, we *might* even have some extra special guests joining us… more on that later.
How do I participate?: Respond in this thread, or on Twitter by Saturday (7/21) evening with your XBL gamertag and you’re eligible to play. Groups will be organized on the fly as soon as we get a proper head count.
When will it begin?: We’re aiming to start playing around 8PM EST on Saturday 7/21.
Who are your special guests?: We’re working on it!
What difficulty will you be playing on?: From silver to platinum, depending on how we feel.
Are you guys super serious and mean when you play?: Nope, we make dumb jokes and die a lot. Don’t fret.
Again, tespond to this thread, or our Twitter feed by Saturday (7/21) evening with your XBL gamertag and you’re eligible to play. Groups will be organized on the fly as soon as we get a proper head count.
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Bring it on! Ash you will love the Typhoon assault rifle I picked up!
I’m in! gamertag: tai0316
I am so in!!! XBL tag is N7Rogue02
Great guys! We have some confirmed guests from the Bioware family, so this should be a whole lot of fun.
I believe the line is “WELCOME TO ERF”
Hey – I think Bethany (HemiArt), Wes (EdgeXCreidann), Joe (NJ Kahuna), Jeff (@KoobsAudio) & Jimmy (drakmarth) are in as well. Allegra may pop in for a bit as too. 🙂 Best to keep things organized. Of course you have the Press 2 Reset & BioWare peeps already. We are going to have so much fun!!
Totally replied on twitter but i’ll leave one here too! GT is ArcanaLegacy! Im so excited! Dont worry yallz – im a constant medic with my friends! I leave no one behind! Ill revive you all XD And I make silly nerd appropriate jokes as well! Pun intended! Lets go leeroy jenkins at atlas and banshees and etc together XD *runs in full speed like a crazy idiot*
Count me in, if my schedule cooperates.
I might be in on the late end of this, but I’ve got a whole bag of tactics ready to deploy
count me in it sounds awesome! Gamertag CasinoReborn
ill be there
im in XBL tag is Beavchops
I’ll do my best to show up! Gamertag: CHutchRUN
N7 Rayven001
count me in
No PC? Pfff lame.
I should be in and out. I’ve been looking for people that want to play. My Gamertag is Bohica Arzak on XBL.
I’m in on this! Gamertag is scarecrow62713 on XBL
Gamertag Spazzz117 Count mE IN!!!
I should be on after 11p EST, gt HobbitGamer
Send me an invite ! Tag is ProfessorEnigma
TheBritish117… Earth 1st!! 😛
Thanks so much for signing up everyone. We’re making a big spreadsheet of names and will have a salvo of invites going out around 8PM EST. We will try and get as many of you in as possible.
Tag’s mitisvenatrix. Should be on by 11 est. Hit me up if you need a sniper girl. 🙂
I’m in if there are still slots left – GT is clawglip
no pc?
Skooter magnum
Alpha Church 00. Looking forward to tonight.
Pls, next weekend on PC.
Super! Gamertag: Gill Walker
F Nine
Loopyleelee will be there !!!!
Dreadnotes if there’s a spot.
Great Time! good work NA!