Matt said this is heavily copyrighted!
Here we go again. PAX: Prime is here and this time we are legion! Scott, Hilary and myself will all be attending this year’s PAX: Prime, also known as the most gamer-friendly convention in all the land. While we’ve covered a ton of conventions this year, (including SDCC, PAX: East, and SWCVI) there is something extra special about PAX: Prime in Seattle. PAX is a magical place sprinkled with innovation, loud music, and rabid gamers. Barring a severe case of PAX-POX, it’s close to impossible to not have a great time.
This year, we’ll be bringing you MORE inside information than ever before, honest looks at upcoming games, chats with developers and talent, and some of the best cosplay you’ve probably ever seen. We are literally booked solid for all three days of the convention, so we should have some good stuff for you.
But wait! We totally want to meet you. If you happen to be in town for PAX, send as a tweet (@NerdAppropriate) and let us know. We’re always excited to meet new folks and see who you are behind that Twitter handle. If you happen to drop by the Bioware base while wandering the convention, be sure to say “hey” to our very own Hilary who will be there holding down the fort. She’s blond.
There was this one time on a plane that I… Oh, I’ll just tell you in person tomorrow. ha
Thanks! See you there.