Questions for Amy Acker? She’s Joining Us On Rated NA 81!
We couldn’t be more excited to let you all know that we’ll be joined on Rated NA 81 by actress Amy Acker! For those of you who are fans of Mr. Joss Whedon (who isn’t these days?) you probably recognize Amy from her starring roles in Angel and Dollhouse. We’ve been massive fans of Amy’s work for ages now and are looking forward to probing her mind and hanging out. If you have any questions you’d like to ask Amy about any of her projects, from Angel to the upcoming Much Ado About Nothing, simply drop a question in the comments below. This should be a good one gang!
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@NerdAppropriate YAY! … No, I know, that’s not a question.
@NerdAppropriate Did Ms Acker know the twist of Doc Saunders being Doll the whole time? And if so, did that affect how she approached role?
RT @NerdAppropriate: Fan of Angel, Dollhouse, Alias, etc? Amy Acker is joining us on Rated NA 81!: http://t.co/7H6w7qNC – Questions?
@NerdAppropriate When Fred became Illyria, was that traumatic — losing role you’d done for years — or fun new chance to grow? Or both?
@NerdAppropriate When filming the scences where Illyria pretended to be Fred, did you have to approach how you acted as Fred, differently?
@NerdAppropriate And some easy silly questions – Favourite role outside Whedon, and favourite scene/episode/storyarc
@NerdAppropriate Oh, and will we get to see more Astrid/Nova in Once Upon A Time? Grumpy seems, well, Grumpy.
RT @NerdAppropriate: Fan of Angel, Dollhouse, Alias, etc? Amy Acker is joining us on Rated NA 81!: http://t.co/7H6w7qNC – Questions?
Was she hoping that her character Fred in Angel would mount a comeback at the end of the series or was she happy with the sendoff Fred received?