Rated NA 128: Alix Wilton Regan
We’re pleased as punch to welcome to the show, Alix Wilton Regan, voice actress for Samantha Traynor in ME3. We talk with Alix about her path to acting, giving 110%, Traynor, and meeting fans at conventions. It’s a fun one, and we think you’ll really enjoy this one! After the interview, Ash and Scott return to handle the news and look forward to the future with next-gen systems.
RT @NerdAppropriate: NEW: Rated NA 82: Omega Explosion!! with Mike Gamble: http://t.co/Npl5exxO CC: @GambleMike @Bioware #ME3
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Thanks for the interview!
While Mass Effect 3 disconnected me from the franchise, I still like to follow Bioware personnel; be it an interview, tweets or a panel. They are a nice bunch of people with a great sense of humor and wits. This one isn’t any different. I like how you diverted an attention to Mike later instead of his work :). And when I started giving a sigh, his more personal reaction to “How to get into the industry” question caught me surprised. I mean that’s Q&A competing with “Can you tell us what Mass Effect is about and who is Shepard?” type. It has a set of most common answers and it’s present in almost every interview. I’m sorry to spoil the fun (feel free to bash me >_<) but I couldn't resist. Or perhaps it's an omen that I have viewed too many chats with Bioware.
I actually prefer the combat mechanism of previous AC installments. It felt more flexible. But to be fair, I played them on PC and AC3 on PS3 which is still a new system to me.
Thank you for listening, and double-thanks for your feedback.
No bashing is necessary. We do strive to bring something a little different to our interviews. Questions about careers in gaming are common, but, as you know from seeing those Bioware interviews, people still have interest in those insights (presumably because people still want those jobs =) ). We also love a good origin story.
While I’ve not played a ton of AC3 myself, I had no beef with the combat in the previous installments either. I thought it was fairly intuitive to explain the button mapping in relation to the body (top button for face, middle buttons for hands, bottom button for feet, etc.).
Thanks for listening! Interview questions are actually kinda tricky because you don’t want to ask the “same old thing”, but also don’t want to alienate your audience in any way. We try and find a good balance so everyone can find enjoyment of some sort. 🙂
Finally getting around to listening to this episode and you guys nearly had me laughing out loud (at work!) with your “headcanons” of Montreal, Edmonton and Canada. Awesome. Really enjoyed the interview with Mike Gamble, too. (Btw, I used to live in Edmonton when I was a kid; “hundreds of miles of snow” is pretty damned accurate.)