Rated NA 83: Choose Your Own Adventure
Author and creator, Miellyn Barrows joins us on the podcast to talk about her new Gamebook Adventure, “Strange Loves: Vampire Boyfriends“. We talk about Nintendo’s WiiU, the new X-Men movie, Bungie’s new IP, Hero Academy, the documentary “Resurrect Dead”, Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2, and a great Humble Bundle. Finally, shenanigans ensue with our NAQOTW: “What supernatural being/creature would you love to have a relationship with and why?” We proudly dedicate this episode to our mothers…
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Justin Banks liked this on Facebook.
Nerd Appropriate liked this on Facebook.
how can people not understnad Scott. He speaks only in truths.
Wii mini is a mind boggleler. I can’t think of anything more useless.
For real? A Valkyria Chronicles vibe that is highly social? I am all of a sudden far more interested.
Did anyone get the crazy cat lady ending? I think that your guys analysis of what makes Strange Loves a great experience is right on. I think people are quick to write it off, especially guys, and honestly there is a lot in there for everyone. So much fun. And it’s a quick experience so you can play it over and over.
And it has Achievements!! But seriously, I’m addicted to Strange Loves, it’s witty and engaging. You don’t have to be a lady to read about romancing vampire dudes. Such a blast.
RT @NerdAppropriate: NEW: Rated NA 83: Choose Your Own Adventure: Is Now Live! http://t.co/98WkFVOS
RT @NerdAppropriate: NEW: Rated NA 83: Choose Your Own Adventure: Is Now Live! http://t.co/98WkFVOS
@NerdAppropriate So. The question is WHICH VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND DID YOU CHOOSE?!
Thanks for another great listen Guys & Gals!!
I had already picked up the THQ Humble Bundle (and donated the SRTT key to a mate as I already owned it) and was pleasantly surprised this morning to see that Titan Quest and DLC for Red faction have been added. Humble Bundle is a great cause, support most of their bundles.
Great to hear from Miellyn again and your review of Stange Loves: Vamipre Boyfriends – I bought it after Miellyn was on Reset Transmission but have yet to get around to reading/playing it – your review has re-prompted me to get to that sooner rather than later 🙂
We really enjoyed having Miellyn on the show as well, she’s good people! As for the Humble Bundle, wow right?
Based on this podcast I got my girlfriend (not a gamer, definitely into vampire romance novels) the Strange Loves app for our Kindle Fire. In the 4 or so days she’s had it she’s ‘made’ at least 20 stories and actually likes the achievements. This combined with some Lego adventures on the Xbox and I’m slowly pulling her into my world! Mwaahahhahaha!
Bill, very glad she enjoyed the game. It’s only a matter of time now before she crosses over.