Rated NA 187: Comedy Murda
The gang plays the EVOLVE beta, Marvel destroys the universe, and we get ready for PAX South. We also take a look at Gravity Ghost, Space Marshalls, and Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer on mobile. In our NAQOTW you tell us what you’d play, watch, or read as long as it has ____ in it. Murrrda!
As far as things I’d like to see more of in the future…Arcades! No really, as gaming becomes both more and more social accepted and just plain more social in general (isn’t it required that every game has a co-op/multiplayer mode now!?) I think it would be great to see games go truly mainstream again at the arcade. A great social experience with all of your friends. For those of you in Orlando, think of the old ‘Rocky’s Replay’ but on a much grander scale. Think bar with cocktail table games (like the old Ms. Pacman) except all the games are current titles or dare I even say ‘Bar exclusives’. Seriously, how much fun could you have playing Borderlands 2 on a big screen while sitting at a table with all your buddies…
I completely agree, I’d love to see a resurgence of arcades catered to adults like this. I think there’s potential for it to be a lot of fun. But would it be worth the investment?
I could really go for an b/arcade filled with just pinball machines