Happy ‘V’ Day – Moxxi Sends Her Love!
Happy Valentine’s day gang! Who would have thought we’d still be celebrating the sacrifice of some Christian saint that was beaten and beheaded in the name of love. Today, the fine folks at Gearbox issued a special Valentine’s day SHiFT code that can be used for some all new Borderlands 2 prizes. We love prizes. On this list are five exclusive skins including “Real Men Wear Pink” for Axton, “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” for Zer0, “Pretty and Pink” for Maya, “Pink Eyes” for Salvador, “Gumming the Works” for Gaige. As you can probably guess, these suckers are pink as can be. As an extra added bonus, players will also receive a special version of Moxxi’s Heart Breaker Shotgun which will scale in level according to what character logs into the game first . You only get one of these, so make sure you log into the correct character! The Heart Breaker is one of my favorite shotguns in the entire game and I’m pretty excited to get my hands on a lvl 50 model.
I’m loving that fact that Borderlands 2 continues to use their SHiFT codes in new and unusual ways. Hoping there is much more of this to come!
PC / Mac Loverpalooza SHiFT Code: W3KJ3-69JR5-9CXT3-JTJJT-WSCK5
Xbox 360 Loverpalooza SHiFT Code: W3W3B-BHX9K-3TSTX-WXJ3J-XCHKH
PlayStation 3 Loverpalooza SHiFT Code: WJCJJ-HCBFB-CCKC3-H3CJT-6FBHW
These codes will be active through February 17, 2013
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RT @NerdAppropriate: NEW: Happy ‘V’ Day – Moxxie Sends Her Love!: Borderlands 2 gives you free guns in the name of love! http://t.co/2T …
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RT @NerdAppropriate: NEW: Happy ‘V’ Day – Moxxie Sends Her Love!: Borderlands 2 gives you free guns in the name of love! http://t.co/2T …
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