Care to Ride on a Meat Bicycle Built for Two? I Know I Do.
I was a bit apprehensive to try out the newest playable character in Borderlands 2. I’ve probably played Gearbox’s bullet slinging masterpiece for hundreds of hours, and the idea of playing MORE Borderlands sort of made me uncomfortable. An analogy you ask? No problem! It’s sort of like eyeing that FIFTH piece of delicious pizza when you know damn well that you probably should have stopped gobbling pie after three or four pieces. Or something like that.
Unable to resist, I plopped down the ten bucks to play as Krieg and wound up incredibly pleased with the playable psycho. While you may have thought that Krieg would simply be a re-skin of Brick from the original Borderlands, he is an entirely new character with a very different play style… hyper-aggression. After watching me play for a bit , my wife (who loves her some Borderlands) decided to hop on Mya and run through the campaign. We were already loving how the duo worked together, when this little gem surfaced today.
If this video is any indication of where Gearbox is headed with Borderlands 3, I’ll be elated. While Borderlands 2’s campaign was incredible, I longed for character driven cinematics that really let us get to know the heroes that we’d inevitably spend dozens hundreds of hours controlling. With this video Krieg went from being a mindless thug, to a character I’m dying to know more about. Rich characters make great games even more enjoyable.. plain and simple.
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