Rated NA 107: Gold Standard
The guys get together for a whole mess of gaming discussion: Borderlands 2, FUSE, D&D, Gears of War, Double Fine, KOTOR, The Starship Damrey, Combo Crew and Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre. Seriously. Finally, we discuss the high standards we set for the NAQOTW and reach into the ol’ mail sack. Whew.
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Justin Banks liked this on Facebook.
RT @NerdAppropriate: Rated NA 107: Gold Standard http://t.co/zC0TPLUY4x
Robert Friemering liked this on Facebook.
@NerdAppropriate – Bionic toe?
Carlo Saba liked this on Facebook.
Melissa Parker Caron liked this on Facebook.
I’ve received a few things from Kickstarter – makey-makey (http://www.makeymakey.com/) and the lumi (http://lumi.co/collections/supplies). I think I have two that might be unfulfilled right now, so that’s not too bad. I agree with Matt – games that were backed have not delivered (Republique). I ‘invest’ with that in mind – that it’s an investment, and that it could fail.
Adding the ‘oh no’ from Hilary during the male sac was perfect, by the way haha.
Haha! Thank you. Hilary is always with us in spirit even when she can’t participate.
Glenn Carretta liked this on Facebook.