Youtube is hosting a Geek Week. Allowing creators to curate content and featuring some of it’s best and brightest original shows. As we talked about in Episode 114 of Rated NA, Geek and Sundry are bringing a slew of new shows to their channel this season and the first one, feasibly the one I was most excited about, is upon us. Outlands, created by Adam De La Peña from Code Monkeys fame, follows a crew of misfit space scientists on a mission to explore and destroy worlds as they see fit. The first episode sets up the main crew voiced by Dana Snyder, De La Peña, Jason Zumwalt, and Andrew Racho. Watch as they fall in love and shortly there after destroy a planet full of cuddly, beer drinking teddy bears.
I love the sense of humor, the timing and setup. I’m hoping the series can carry through to the end. Sometimes Code Monkey’s could get a little long but at the same time it never was quite as random as a show like Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I like the sweet spot in the middle. I don’t need all Tim and Eric, but I don’t want a standard sitcom either. This seems like it will fit in nicely and add to our ever growing universe of space themed hijinks. The entire episode riffs on Prometheus and I’m cool with that. It’s fertile comedic ground and deserves to be torn up a little.
If you don’t already subscribe to Geek and Sundry, I highly recommend it. The channel features great original content like Co-Optitude starring Felicia and Ryon Day as they stumble through console games they missed out on in their youth; Table Top from the ever present Wil Wheaton, introducing a new board game each episode; Space Janitors, a show we have featured previously right here on this very site.
Like many of you I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons. As a matter of fact, I called Saturday “cartoon day” until I was about seven years old. Back in the golden era of Saturday morning animated entertainment we had incredible (yet bizzaro) shows like Transformers, Thundercats, and the U.S.A. Cartoon Express. While programming like Star Wars: The Clone Wars still provides kids with a bit of “magic”, I fear that the days of utterly ridiculous 80s-style cartoons are long gone… Enjoy this April fools joke from the fine folks at IGN. For the record… I would watch the poop out of this show.
This hilarious cartoon answers a lot of the questions we’ve been asking for years including the ever popular “Why the hell didn’t Hermione just use that time-turner thingy!?” Oh yeah, if by some strange reason you’re the one person on this planet that doesn’t know how Harry Potter ends then LOOK AWAY!
RT @NerdAppropriate: Outlands is upon us: Youtube Geek Week: by matt – check it out! @geekandsundry
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