Rated NA 117: All open world everything
The gang braves AFO. Ash plays Gone Home and sees Kick-Ass 2. Matt gets a bean-bag chair and an instant coffee maker. Scott plays Adera, and worries about open world gameplay. LETS GO NERD APPROPRIATE!
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RT @NerdAppropriate: Rated NA 117: All open world everything http://t.co/KPHqONaZi1
Hilary Heskett Shapiro liked this on Facebook.
RNA 117 is now live! With spoiler free reviews of @GoneHomeGame , Kick Ass 2, and Adera. We also attend AFO 14 – http://t.co/KPHqONaZi1
this is not the image i requested.
You can take it up with the PR guy =)
We can save the horse headed mutant guy for next week. He has not been forgotten.
RT @NerdAppropriate: RNA 117 is now live! With spoiler free reviews of @GoneHomeGame , Kick Ass 2, and Adera. We also attend AFO 14 – http:…
Melissa Parker Caron liked this on Facebook.
@NerdAppropriate Looking forward to hearing your AFO recap!
RT @NerdAppropriate: RNA 117 is now live! With spoiler free reviews of @GoneHomeGame , Kick Ass 2, and Adera. We also attend AFO 14 – http:…
Carlo Saba liked this on Facebook.
RT @NerdAppropriate: Rated NA 117: All open world everything http://t.co/KPHqONaZi1
@NerdAppropriate ITA w/your AFO comments! Anime’s not my thing, so I felt completely out of place until finding kindred ME fans (awesome).
@NerdAppropriate And thanks a bunch for the shout out. Meeting you guys was a definite highlight of the weekend. 🙂
@hokie98jj @NerdAppropriate you’re both freaking awesome, it was really great meeting you guys, sooooo ny comic con?? 😀