Star Wars Reads Day II
Calling all Star Wars-loving parents, children and fans of all ages!
Star Wars Reads Day is BACK! This October 5, 2013 you can participate alongside other Star Wars fans, authors, and artists in a nationwide multi-publisher reading event!
Stores across the nation are preparing for a fun day of reading and activities all Star Wars themed for your sci-fi heart.
According to StarWars.com, “Last year, 30 authors and 1,500 costumed volunteers participated in over 1,200Star Wars Reads Day events across North America.” This is our chance to make it even bigger and better!
For more information visit: http://starwars.com/news/star_wars_reads_day.html.
Get out there and tell your local bookstore, comic shop, sci-fi boutique, local hang out, pop culture retailer! NOW! It’s open to everyone willing to participate.
UPDATE: HEY ORLANDO! Nerd Appropriate will be hosting Star Wards Reads Day at Park Ave CDs that afternoon!!! Come out, come dressed up, bring the kids and we’ll see you there!!!! May the force be with you.
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RT @NerdAppropriate: Star Wars Reads Day II : by missmayyoke – check it out! http://t.co/oaR6UkR871