PAX Prime 2013: Pre PAX Hootenanny Pics
This year we threw another small get together to kick off the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle and were elated to see so many friends, listeners, past guests, and contributors all under one roof. The event was a ton of fun and it’s always a bit surreal to see everyone in the real world and not the Twitterverse. Enjoy these pics ! There are even more available on our Facebook page.
Past podcast guests in attendance included Miellyn Barrows, Patrick Weekes, Marissa Meyer, Jessica Merizan, Jessa Brezinski, Holly Conrad, Reset Transmission, and the man behind our theme song Jimmy Hinson! [click to hear their respective episodes].
Huge thanks to everyone who showed up and had a good time, it was truly great to see you all. If you couldn’t make it, we’ll do our very best to host more events in the coming years.
Want to see some more photos? There are even more available on our Facebook page. Like and subscribe… or do whatever it is people do on Facebook.
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@NerdAppropriate sad to have missed u this year!
I’m Internet famous! Thanks @nerdappropriate ! http://t.co/uuWLqMtt4a
RT @NerdAppropriate: PAX Prime 2013: We threw a hootenanny! Here are some pics. http://t.co/7eriBUkr4s #PAX
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