Treat! Blackwell Deception is free for Halloween only!
Indie developer Wadjet Eye Games is treating gamers this Halloween to a free download of their recently updated, retro-styled point-and-click adventure game, Blackwell Deception. Simply head over to http://www.rosablackwell.com , hit the Buy Now button, and enter Boo in the discout code area, and its all yours. This deal appears to be good through the end of Friday EST, so act fast!
Point-and-click adventures always hold a special place in my heart, and how could you pass up free? Also, if you find this treat to be particuarly delicious, you may want to consider supporting this indie developer by checking out their other games, including other titles in the Blackwell series at (http://www.wadjeteyegames.com/blackwell-series.html).
Happy Gaming.
More about the series from the developer:
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A treat from indie dev, @WadjetEyeGames , a free download of Blackwell Deception, fans of retro adventures rejoice http://t.co/AYnk5vcEsa