Rated NA 47: Vote Blasto for ME3 MP!
Excited for ME3? So are we! We take your tweets about which multiplayer race / class you’re most excited to play. We also talk Resident Evil, Nick McCarthy’s “The Pact”, Alcatraz, Asura’s Wrath, and Kingdoms of Amalur. A super special thanks to silverwillow for this episode’s coverart (http://silverwillow.deviantart.com/art/Blasto-the-hanar-Spectre-208615486).
RT @NerdAppropriate: RNA Podcast 164 is live with our tear filled review of @JamesGunn ‘s Guardians of the Galaxy! http://t.co/Ck1Tb4QVak h…
Also on Rated NA Podcast 164 – Reviews of @OrcsMustDie : Unchained BETA, 80 Days from @inkleStudios and much more!- http://t.co/Ck1Tb4QVak