Rated NA 112: What’s in the box?
It’s holiday in July as the gang gets back together to open mystery packages. We look forward to SDCC, talk about some personnel changes in the gaming industry, and the newest addition to Google StreetView. We take a look at White House Down, Best Friends Forever, Leviathan Wakes, and Copperhead. Finally, we talk with you about the strangest package you’ve ever opened in our NAQOTW. Ravenclaw!
I am so proud of how far you guys have come, and as time progresses, what was good becomes great. Listening and getting to know you guys is always a bright spot, you’re funny, thoughtful, intelligent, and you each have just varied enough opinions and tastes that you bring great variety to the table. Thanks for all the work and time you put in 🙂 I really look forward to seeing what comes in the future. If I can ever help with anything, all you’ve got to do is ask 😉