Rated NA 209: Live From San Diego Comic-Con 2015
Hosts Ash and Matt. This episode we talk about San Diego Comic Con 2015 and all of the happenings in and around the con of cons. We talk about Veronica Belmont, Gary Whitta, Geek and Sundry, Milkfed Criminal Masterminds, Super Mansion, Heavy Metal and the always wonderful Milana Vayntrub, and that was just Thursday! We go on to talk about Falling Skies, The 100, Minority Report, Agent Carter, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., iZombie, and the very interesting Kung Fury party. Matt also goes into his Friday folly. We close the whole thing out with panels on Nerdist, our first impressions of the Expanse pilot and the joy of seeing Nerf Herder, Allie Goertz and the Doubleclicks live, along with a very interesting and thought provoking panel on Asian Americans in pop culture. The whole show ends with Matt’s thoughts on Star Wars Battlefront and Project Morpheus by Sony. We had a blast and wish we were back. We miss you already SDCC!
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