Rated NA 43: Bananaboat Sith Warrior
Whats new in the worlds of SWTOR and Mass Effect? Gearbox is good people, and we update our fall TV predictions. Reviews of Skyrim, Rayman Origins, Uncharted 3, and Battlefield 3. Finally, we try to convince “D the P” to play SWTOR in our open thread. Featuring Cossby Sweater’s “Comedians”, nice! (http://cossbysweater.bandcamp.com/)
Rated NA 42: Sliders are just small sandwiches
In this episode we sing songs, and talk about food. Also, we talk Batman Arkham City, Squids for iOS, In Living Color, SWTOR, Resident Evil, Dance Central 2, Battlefield 3, and the Ico HD remake. Treat yo’ self.
First Person Shooters: Can Respawn Save Us From FPS Groundhog day?
Have you ever dated someone that treated you like total crap yet you stayed with them anyway because of a few redeeming qualities? The aforementioned scenario is similar to my relationship with the first person shooter genre, a love/hate relationship if you will.
Mass Effect Beta Details released
It's good news (sort of) Friday everyone! In the Bioware forums they released the details of how to get the early access beta for Mass Effect 3. Here are the details: What are the details of the Mass Effect 3…
Rated Na 27: Screen Inception
Today on the show we wrap up E3 as best we can. Talking about the WiiU, the Vita, the non-announcements from Microsoft and we talk about all the games that gave us the feelings we've never felt before. Also, we…
BF3: New World Pre-Order
As we inch closer to the release of Battlefield 3, news of the pre-order bonuses are making their way to the internet. And keeping in trend with more recent releases these “bonuses” look more and more like content that should be included in the game to begin with. This is par for the course for many but a large handful of the gaming community on Reddit.com seems to have had enough.
Battlefield 3: twelve minute “Fault Line” gameplay trailer
Battlefield 3 is coming this winter, and from the looks of things DICE has set the bar incredibly high. My simple brain is telling me that we’re looking at the next generation of FPS. While you may be sick and tired of FPS games I feel compelled to remind you that DICE and Infinity Ward essentially created the genre of realistic first person shooters.
Battlefield 3: first game play trailer.
Battlefield 3 boasts a brand new Frostbite 2 engine,along with mo-cap and modeling stolen from EA sports. That means it looks INSANE.