It’s the iOS gametime roundup recap thingy: Flap!, Monster Burner, and more…
In this episode of iOS gametime roundup recap thingy we look at Flap!, Monster Burner, Pit Droids, AC: Recollection, and Lost Winds
In this episode of iOS gametime roundup recap thingy we look at Flap!, Monster Burner, Pit Droids, AC: Recollection, and Lost Winds
Confused by all the acronyms? All you need to know is that the physical card game, Nightfall, is on iOS. But how does all the information fit onto a handheld? Find out.
I used to argue that it doesn't matter what you use and would fight all the Apple fanboys of the world telling them that they are wrong for this and that. Then, the other day while talking to a friend…